[ inspired by a youtube video that I had watched several years back || written on the occasion of the first million dollar smart home that I had been handling, being handed over to the owners || today I felt like a 50 year old man, marrying off his young, beautiful daughter to a new family ]
So here goes..
Parting tears brimmed in her sparkling eyes, as the party train stole her, from my trembling arms.
At once a cold breeze drifted down from the tall branches of the eucalyptus trees, smearing the scent everywhere. It ruffled up my hair as if on purpose and ran through the rusty street rustling the leaves.
I stood there for a while, freezing in the light of the cold night, nothing but the silence and an empty alley behind me. Shaking, moved and completely unsettled, I walked back three steps into the numbness that is, this evening has become, for me.
I felt the soft air as I walked into the dark, leaving a faint humming in my ears and spinning out little vortices as I move by.
The silence being torn by the soft wind - in itself is quite something - one may let the mind wander to ease off for a little while - after all its been a tough day. How complicated can the contraption be for the subtle movements of a butterfly wing to spin out into a venomous whirlwind..
The silence being torn by the soft wind - in itself is quite something - one may let the mind wander to ease off for a little while - after all its been a tough day. How complicated can the contraption be for the subtle movements of a butterfly wing to spin out into a venomous whirlwind..
In fact, I am standing in the eye of a hurricane.
The painfully vivid picture, of her sparkling eyes came into my mind again.
How did I let her go! My mind filled up with a million memories- my little girl, my princess!! Her first cry - in that adorable little baby voice of hers, how she used to call me dada, her first baby steps and the shy little smile that followed, the time we took her to the park where she had her first ice-cream, when she licked that pink strawberry scoop and it slipped off the cone into the grass and she cried, showing all the baby tooth and rubbing those chubby little arms against her little eyes..
How did I let her go! My mind filled up with a million memories- my little girl, my princess!! Her first cry - in that adorable little baby voice of hers, how she used to call me dada, her first baby steps and the shy little smile that followed, the time we took her to the park where she had her first ice-cream, when she licked that pink strawberry scoop and it slipped off the cone into the grass and she cried, showing all the baby tooth and rubbing those chubby little arms against her little eyes..
My vision blurred. I felt weightless for a while. Cold breeze spreading the numbness around me, I turned back for one last glimpse- and across all the miles and the music that fills the separation, I saw her; and she saw me- and I heard her heart speak to mine, in a voice more damp than the ocean in her eyes,